As the new Islamic year is expected to begin on the 30th of July 2022, marking the end of Dhul HIjjah and the begging of the holy sacred Muharram month. The month of Muharram is important for Muslims as this month was forbidden for any acts of war or violence, so pilgrims could carry out Hajj or Umrah in safety.  
In pre-Islamic era pilgrims would be traveling to perform Hajj in Makkah in the month of DHul HIjjah and would be returning in the month of Muharram from their sacred Hajj pilgrimage. The Arabs in the past had always upheld this standard of non-violence during these important sacred months. Book best Umrah packages from Pakistan.

Umrah Visa Fee from Pakistan:

 As the Umrah season for the Islamic month of 1444h going to from Muharram 1 (July 30th 2022) the ministry of Hajj and Umrah has announced the registration open for Umrah. The Umrah fees now stands at 950 Riyal (Rs.57744). 

10 Days Umrah Package Muharram:

 You can get blessed by booking your special 10 days Umrah packages in the special month of Muharram and gain countless opportunities for blessing and mercy from Allah almighty. Our Islamic actions carry significant weight in the month of Muharram, so it is an ideal time to get rid of your sins. 
You will be provided the best food cuisine, best hotel booking nearest to Kabah, best transport facilities, and best Umrah packages according to your needs as in this important Islamic month, it is important to gain a blessing by facilitating Umrah pilgrims in the best possible way starting at only Rs. 185,000 (Quad sharing). 

15 Day Umrah Package Muharram:

You must take extra care and vigilance as Muharram is an important Islamic month so that there is abundant opportunities to gain significant Islamic blessing and rewards during your Umrah pilgrimage. You should greet others with kindness and say salaam more often as such simple acts can lead to forgiveness from Allah almighty. 
It would be the best if you made it your habit to smile toward everyone during Muharram month, as Allah will reward your actions. It would be best if you also made it possible to do Sadaqah as it is the start of the Islamic month, so it is the ideal time to make an impact and reap good habits and fortunes for the rest of the year.
You will be provided the best package according to your custom demands and needs so that you do not face any problems or difficulty performing all your religious Islamic customs during your significant Muharram Umrah pilgrimage starting at Rs. 198,575 (Sharing), Rs 199,355 (Quad), Rs.203,255 (Triple) and Rs.207,155(Double). 

21 Day Umrah Package Muharram:

It would best option if you also tried to improve your physical health for your significant Muharram Umrah pilgrimage by exercising regularly and maintaining a good sleep cycle. Carrying for your own body will also gain you countless blessings from Allah as our body is also an Amanah that we have to return. 
It would be the best if you tried to gain closeness to Allah during Muharram month as our sins will be doubled in Muharram, so it’s best to seek forgiveness as much as possible during this important Muharram month.
You will be provided the best and cheapest Umrah package having the best hotel booking, buffet cuisines, best transport, and services starting at only Rs.206,505 (Sharing), 207,805(Quad), Rs.214,305(Triple), and Rs.220,805 (Double).

Umrah Visa and Umrah Package from Lahore:

Remember that every Umrah visitor need a valid Umrah Visa before departing from Pakistan for the holy pilgrimage. The Umrah visa from Pakistan can be obtained quite easily by contacting Trips.pk and we'll help you get the visa by following up official rules set by Sauid embassy and Hajj ministry.
The people of Lahore hold the religious Umrah pilgrimage very important, so they always look forward to obtaining a chance to gain closeness to Allah. Your sins will be cleansed during special Muharram as if you were praying at Masjid-al-Aqsa. 
You should try to read Allah’s Quran book more during Muharram month as it’s the best way to gain closeness to Allah almighty. You should make it a habit to study Quran for 10 to 20 minutes daily during this important Muharram month which will significantly bless your more than other months. 
Check out Umrah Visa fee, best air travel tickets, five-star hotel bookings, buffet cuisines, Umrah essential amnesties, and best possible Umrah transport so that you are satisfied with your Umrah journey.

Umrah Package from Karachi:

The people of Karachi will be looking forward to carrying out Umrah in Muharram month due to its increased spiritual benefits. It is recommended to carry out a fast during the significant Muharram month as our Holy Prophet (SAW) recommended. 
You will be provided the best possible Umrah flight ticket, 3-4 star hotel booking, best food buffet cuisines, basic amnesties, and best possible transport for your significant Muharram Umrah starting from Muharram 1st( 30th July 2022). 