Your credit card has certain limitations so it’s better to contact to your credit card company prior to traveling. Ask about the medical insurance that you are going to need in the case of any emergency situations. Some companies have limited medical facilities associated with the trip length and do not provide coverage.
Myths#3 Complicated Process of Purchasing Travel Insurance:
Traveler considers that the application procedure of travel insurance is quite long and tiresome. As they have set it in last minutes to do list so, they prefer to avoid it. But the real scenario is completely different. It takes only few minutes to apply for the travel insurance online and you can also purchase it without any delay or with the help of travel agencies in less cost..
Myths#4 My Airline Will Offer Cover for Missed and Cancelled Flight:
Mostly traveler thinks that airline will recompense them but it is not actually going to happen. If you have missed your flight due to any reason the airline is not going to compensate it. This is only possible in the case of changing schedule of fight or flight delays due to certain issues for example weather problems. But if you have the travel insurance then definitely you are going to save from such happenings.
Myths#4 People That Have High Risk of Falling in Emergency Situation Need Travel Insurance:
Travel insurance is significantly important for certain people having adventurous activities like mountain climbing and sky diving. But it’s not like that they are the only one that need travel insurance. Your insurance will protect you in the case of sickness because you will never know that what is standing next in your way so it’s better to be prepared rather than worrying on unpleasant incidents.
Myths#6 My Health Insurance Policy is Enough:
Many people do not consider having the travel insurance as they think that their normal heath life insurance will cover them from any illness in abroad but this is not possible in all cases. There are numerous policies that provides cover in short length trip. But if you are going for long trip you must consult and discuss your health insurance policy with the company to know about the health facilities.
Read more How to Chose Best Travel Insurance Plans for your Trip.
So be aware of these Travel Insurance Myths and know about facts of travel insurance to keep yourself informed.
Have a safe traveling!