
Discover the historic Galle Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where you can visit highlights such as the National Maritime Museum and the Dutch Reformed Church.Climb the famous Galle Lighthouse to enjoy sweeping views of the coastline and beyond.Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry within the fort, including the tranquil charm of the Meera Mosque.Add some excitement to your visit with thrilling water sports at Galle’s stunning beaches.


About the Activity

Discover the hidden treasures of Galle, including the National Maritime Museum and Dutch Reformed Church within the historic Galle Fort. Take a climb up the Galle Lighthouse for stunning coastal views and visit the serene Meera Mosque. For an adrenaline rush, dive into a range of water sports on Galle’s picturesque beaches.
Uncover the rich history of Galle at its UNESCO-listed Fort, featuring highlights like the National Maritime Museum and Dutch Reformed Church.
Ascend the famed Galle Lighthouse for breathtaking and tranquil views of the coastline.
Immerse yourself in the fort's cultural diversity with a visit to the Meera Mosque.
Experience thrilling water sports along the scenic beaches of Galle.


If you cancel 30 days or more before your travel date, a cancellation fee of 25% of the total booking cost will apply.If you cancel within 1 to 30 days of your travel date, the full booking cost will be charged as a cancellation fee.In the event of unforeseen weather conditions, union issues, government restrictions, or other circumstances beyond our control, certain trips or activities may be canceled. In such cases, alternative options will be offered, but a cash refund will not be provided.

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    PKR. 20650

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