Turkey is a wonderful country for immigration and citizenship. The state of Turkey has excellent friendship and business ties with Pakistan as both countries support each other on numerous platforms. Getting Turkish citizenship is very beneficial. It enables Pakistani citizens to enjoy dual nationality and various unique benefits like good health service, free education, and fundamental rights as Turkish citizen. Read how to get Turkey visa from Pakistan.

How to become Turkish Citizen:

The Turkish government provides various ways to obtain Turkish citizenship. Some of the methods are below:
  • By way of Investment (not selling property for 3 years) 
  • By marriage (spending period of 3 years in turkey)
  • By birth (having one Turkish citizen parent)
  • By employment (5 years working under contract)
  • By way of Naturalization (resident in turkey for five years, knowing Turkish language, having job or proof of income and not leaving the country for more than six months) 
  • By applying for special merit (turquoise case/ achievements in field of science, business, culture or sports)
  • By applying for the permanent residence permit  
  • By applying for a long term permanent residence permit
You can either apply for a Turkish e-visa online by visiting the Turkish ministry of foreign affairs website given as follows or visit the Turkish embassy present in your country. Get best Turkey tour packages from Pakistan.

Getting Turkish Citizenship by Investment from Pakistan:

One of easiest and most common method for Turkish citizenship from Pakistan is through investment. There are six investment options you can choose from 
  • Purchase property having 250,000 dollar value
  • Deposit in Turkish bank amount of 500,000 dollar value
  • Buy Turkish National securities worth  500,000 dollar value
  • Buy government bonds worth 500,000 dollar value to preserve for three years
  • Buy real estate investments worth 500,000 dollar value to be preserved for three years
  • Start a business worth 500,000 dollar value or provide 50 jobs for Turkish people

Stages of Obtaining Citizenship by Investment  

  1. Complete program requirements (open bank account, get taxpayer number)
  2. Gather important documents  (questionnaire, passport copy, state fee confirmation, photos, clearance certificate from police, Notarized permit for application processing of applicant data, proof of investments, conformity certificates) 
  3. Obtaining short term resident permit (easily issued due to objective of citizenship )
  4. Applying for the process of Turkish citizenship at its registered office or at embassy board. (analysis and verification by the ministry of internal affairs and getting citizenship approval by the president) 
  5. Obtaining your Turkish passport by going to turkey or getting lawyer to receive your documents.

Obtaining Turkish Citizenship through Permanent Resident Permit:

You can obtain citizenship for Turkey by applying for permanent residence permit. The main highlights of getting citizenship through this method are 
  • No minimum investment amount needed
  • Prove that you own property or business in turkey 
  • Sufficient finance to cover living expenses and support your family 
  • You can apply for your family visa after getting resident permit.  Residence Permit valid for two years that can be extended under the condition that you  
  • Have been running your business or own property 
  • Have remained in turkey for period of 184 days in a year 
  • Are legal taxpayer of Turkey
  • Have money to support yourself and dependent family
You can apply for citizenship of Turkey after five year legal residency period leaving for not more than six months. You must provide proof that you:
  • Not convicted of any crime
  • Not have a major or serious medical disease 
  • Have suitable funds to support yourself and your family 
  • Show proof that you can speak Turkish language by giving the interview to Turkish officials
Obtaining Turkish Citizenship through long term residence permit
You can apply for Turkey citizenship through a long-term residence permit by staying in turkey for eight years as legal resident, allowing you to live in Turkey indefinitely. For applying for long term residence permit you must prove that you 
  • Not received any support or social aid from the government institutes for the last three years 
  • Have financial resources to support yourself 
  • Have not been engaged in criminal activities

Requirements of Turkish Citizenship:

There are certain requirements for Turkish citizenship from Pakistan, as you:
  • Have enough for financial sustainability 
  • Residence ownership proof (if required)
  • Company work or contract letter 
  • Valid Medical insurance documents 
  • Complaint regarding national security policies
  • Not involved in criminal activities
  • Know and can follow the laws of Turkey 
  • You are of legal age and are not a minor

Benefits of Getting Turkish Citizenship:

There are various benefits of getting Turkish citizenship as follows 
  • No major residency limits in Turkey
  • You can live abroad as you are not required to live continuously in Turkey 
  • Free medical treatment
  • Study free at Turkish universities
  • Explore 111 countries visa free including Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan.
  • Opportunity to get USA E2 investor visa for business 
  • Easy new business setup procedures or for busying property
  • Citizenship provided to all family members, including spouse and children who are dependent on you being under 18 years of age
  • Opportunity for getting fee pension support
  • The future opportunity of becoming European Union citizen in future 
  • Fast citizenship process completed in 2 to 6 months 
  • Opportunity to enjoy the high standard of living